
Top 25 Updated Amazon Interview Questions & Unique Sample Answers

Updated on 13.02.2024

Yay! You got the email from an Amazon recruiter and they invited you to an initial phone call to get to know you better for that role you applied for about a month ago, and now you are looking for updated Amazon interview questions.

Even better, a recruiter reached out to you on LinkedIn via an out of nowhere cold-call to see if you’ll be interested in an opportunity at Amazon that may suit your qualifications well.

The first thing that comes to mind is searching for Amazon interview questions and sample answers that might give you the edge among hundreds (if not thousands) of applicants.

While hearing from the recruiter for the first time is of course very exciting, your journey with the Amazon hiring process is actually just beginning and it is more often than not, a properly long one.

As you might have heard by now, Amazon is a self-proclaimed peculiar company and Amazon’s interview process reflects that.

It is not uncommon that the hiring manager and the loop committee interview tens of candidates to hire the best person for the job (and for the company).

Rest assured, at Interviewjoy we have helped thousands of candidates since 2016 and created this post to guide you through the process, providing the Amazon interviews and sample answers, interview tips, and much more useful information.

You may want to bookmark this page and visit our Blog posts page to find more content about Amazon interviews.

Without further ado, let’s dive in. But since the content is pretty long, feel free to jump to the relevant sections using the table of contents below.

Do you have an interview with Amazon?

Pro Tip

Make sure to check out our top-selling Amazon Interview Guide which comes with a full refund guarantee in case you fail your interviews.

Table of Contents

How to Prepare for Amazon Interview Questions?

Before we discuss in-depth preparation, let’s very briefly touch on the interview process. If you understand the steps involved, then you’ll be more likely to feel prepared and confident.

Even the process might differ a bit depending on the role you applied for (a technical or non-technical role) and your qualifications but we’ll walk you through the Amazon interview process. (Suggested reading: Our in-depth article for Amazon Interview Process)

What are the 3 rounds of Amazon interview?

1. Phone Interview / Phone Screen
2. Video / Onsite Interview with the Hiring Manager
3. Loop Interview Session

Phone Interview

First, you have an initial phone interview with the HR manager to assess whether you fit the job requirements or not. Amazon interview questions for the phone screening will be different than the ones you’ll get in later stages.

At the phone interview, the recruiter will mostly ask personal questions to get to know you so you need to be prepared for questions about yourself.

Asking about your experience, the motivation behind applying to Amazon, why you’re leaving your current job (if you have one), and your availability are some of the most common questions at this stage.

You might also be asked simple behavioral questions such as “How do you handle a difficult customer?” or “How do you handle a situation when you’re overwhelmed with work?”.

The point of these questions is to get an idea about your problem-solving skills and how you act under pressure.

If the recruiter believes that you have potential, you will move on to the next stage, which is the video interview. Study all the Common Interview Questions to increase your chances of moving to the next rounds.

Video Interview

The video interview is the same as a phone interview but this time you will have to answer the questions through Amazon Chime, Amazon’s communication tool that is also used internally.

The difference between a phone interview and a video interview is, now you will talk with a hiring manager or senior-level engineer (if it’s a technical role). So you may expect to get different types of questions than in the phone interview.

The hiring manager will ask more likely ask behavioral questions to test your problem-solving skills and leadership skills and/or the senior-level engineer will ask coding-type questions about data structure or algorithms etc. Remember, Amazon has 16 “Leadership Principles” and asks questions related to those during the interviews. More info on that in the following sections.

So, when you pass the phone screen then you need to prepare for behavioral and technical questions.

After the video interview, if it seems like a mutually good fit, you move on to the next step which is almost always an on-site interview. 

On-site Interview

First of all, Congratulations, you are one step away from your dream job. On-site interviews (a.k.a. the Loop Interview) are usually conducted at the company’s headquarters or a nearby city (or via video as necessary).

During the on-site interview at Amazon, you will meet with 4-8 different people in 45-60 minute sessions and each interviewer will ask 4-5 questions.

You will talk with hiring managers, senior engineers, and product managers (also with a bar raiser). The questions asked in this stage are a mix of behavioral and technical questions (%70 behavioral and %30 Technical).

Amazon on-site interview questions are divided into three main categories:

  • Leadership principles questions
  • Behavioral questions
  • And technical skills questions

The behavioral questions assess your problem-solving skills, leadership skills, motivation, etc. while the technical questions test your coding skills (for software engineering roles) or knowledge about Amazon products (for non-technical roles).

This is the toughest stage of the interview process and you need to be fully prepared to make it through this round.

Furthermore, you will also receive questions related to leadership during your interview, so it is beneficial for you to learn and study Amazon’s leadership principles.

There are 16 leadership principles (They are really famous and you need to know all of them by heart):

We’re not going to cover them in this post to make sure this post doesn’t get too long but you can check them out at this link: Amazon Leadership Principles Explained by Former Amazonian, which also has sample Amazon interview questions for each principle.

So, to prepare for the on-site interview questions, you need to practice both behavioral and technical questions and Amazon leadership principles.

Keep in mind that the most important thing in this stage is to be confident and stay calm.

You will be asked many different types of questions such as;

“Give me an example of a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer?”,

“Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond your job duties?”, or

“What would you do if you found out one of your team members was not meeting their deadlines?”.

The easiest way to make a good impression on the hiring manager and other interviewers is by learning how to answer these questions. We’ll cover that topic in the next section.

Also read; Amazon Interview Preparation Guide in 2023

How to Answer the Amazon Interview Questions

In this section, we’re going to show you how to answer the most popular Amazon interview questions. By doing this, you will increase your chances of getting hired by Amazon.

But before we start, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when you’re preparing for your interview at Amazon.

  • Don’t try to be someone that you’re not because the interviewers can see through that and it will only make you look bad.
  • Be confident. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities. Remember that you made it this far and you have the same chance as anyone else to get the job.
  • Be prepared. You need to know what you’re going to say before you go into the interview. This doesn’t mean that you need to memorize your answers but you should have a general idea of what you want to say.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the better you will be at answering the questions.

Ok, moving on to how to answer Amazon interview questions. The questions are divided into two parts, behavioral questions, and technical questions. You can use the STAR technique to answer both types of questions.

STAR is an acronym for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This technique will help you structure your answers and make sure that you cover all the important points that the interviewer wants to hear.

Let’s take a look at some examples of Amazon interview questions and see how you can use the STAR technique to answer them.

These types of questions are designed to assess your problem-solving skills, leadership skills, motivation, etc.

Here are some examples of behavioral questions that you may be asked during your interview at Amazon and the sample answers designed with the STAR method:

Amazon Interview Questions 1: Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer. How did you handle the situation?


Situation – I was working as a customer service representative for a large company.

Task – I had to deal with a difficult customer who was demanding and rude.

Action – I stayed calm and listened to what the customer was saying. I tried to understand their point of view and empathized with them. I explained the company’s policy in a way that the customer could understand.

Result – The customer calmed down and we were able to resolve the issue.

This question assesses your ability to deal with difficult situations, stay calm under pressure, and find creative solutions.

Amazon Interview Questions 2: Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond your job duties.


Situation – I was working as a sales associate in a retail store and it was during the holiday season.

Task – My manager was busy with other things and there were no other sales associates working, so I had to take care of the whole store by myself.

Action – I did my best to help the customers and answer their questions but it was really difficult because there were so many people.

Result – I managed to handle the situation and helped as many people as I could. The customers were happy and my manager was impressed with my work.

And this question is assessing your ability to take initiative and go above and beyond what is expected of you.

As you know, Amazon is a giant tech company so they will want to know that you have the necessary skills for the job that you’re applying for.

Amazon Interview Questions 3: What would you do if you found out one of your team members was not performing up to par?


Situation – I was a team leader in my previous role and I had a team of five people.

Task – One of my team members was not performing up to par and I had to talk to him.

Action – I sat down with him and we talked about his performance. I gave him some constructive criticism and told him what he needed to improve. I offered my help and support.

Result – The team member’s performance improved and he became one of the top performers on the team.

So, these types of questions assess your ability to solve problems, work in a team, and lead others.

Ok, now you know how to answer Amazon interview questions using the STAR technique. Just remember to practice, practice, practice before your interview and you will be sure to ace it!

Top 5 Amazon Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Wouldn’t it be good to know which Amazon interview questions are the most frequently asked or considered important by Amazon during an interview?

During the interview process, you’ll likely encounter several different types of questions. Some will be behavioral questions, some will be leadership questions and others will be technical questions.

Here, we will focus on the top five Amazon behavioral interview questions and how to answer them. By preparing for your interview ahead of time, you increase the odds of nailing it!

So let’s get started.

The question almost every candidate always asked is, “Tell me about yourself.”

Pro Tip: Answer these Amazon interview questions by focusing on the skills, qualities, and experiences you have that make you a good match for the role. Be positive in your answer, and remember that you may need to back up your claims of how you work later in the interview.

Here’s a great example of answers for different roles to help you out:

Top 5 Amazon Interview Questions #1: Tell me about yourself.

Software Engineer Answer:

I am an experienced software engineer and have gained a strong reputation in the area for my innovative thinking and ability to get things done. I have worked with some of the biggest names in the industry and have delivered software solutions that have made a real difference to businesses.

I am confident working on my own or as part of a team, and I am always looking for ways to improve both my own skill set and the way we work as a team. For example, I recently introduced a new tool that helped us to reduce our development time by 20%.

I am excited about this role as it seems like a perfect match for my skills and experiences, and I am confident that I can hit the ground running and make a real contribution to the team.

Operations Manager Answer:

I am an experienced operations manager with a proven track record in streamlining processes and improving efficiency. I have worked in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, retail, and logistics, and have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience that I can bring to this role.

In my previous roles, I have successfully implemented a number of process improvements that have had a positive impact on the bottom line. For example, I introduced a new stock management system that reduced waste by 10%.

I am confident working with people at all levels and am known for my calm and diplomatic approach. I am also very proactive and always look for ways to improve the way we work.

I believe I would be a valuable asset to your team, and I am confident that I could quickly get up to speed with your company’s systems and procedures.

As you see, this is not a typical answer to the question, there is a structure.

The way to answer this question is to give a snapshot of your professional life so far that covers all the key points they would be looking for in a candidate for this role.

Start by briefly explaining your current or most recent job, then talk about your career history and mention any promotions, awards, or other accomplishments you have achieved along the way. Finally, talk about your skills and qualities, and give examples of how you have put them into practice in your previous roles.

Top 5 Amazon Interview Questions #2: Why Amazon?

This question is designed to test your motivation for applying to Amazon. They want to see that you have a genuine interest in the company and that you have done your research.

Why Amazon / Why do you want to work at Amazon? is the most frequently asked question in an Amazon interview. Practicing this question will not only help you during your Amazon interview but will also prove helpful during your interviews with other companies.

Pro Tip: Take some time to familiarize yourself with Amazon’s history, culture, and values before your interview. This will help you to give a more informed answer.

When answering this question, focus on what it is about Amazon that has made you want to apply for a job there. Perhaps you admire their customer focus, their innovative culture, or their commitment to employee development. Whatever it is, make sure you back up your claims with examples.

For example:


I really admire Amazon’s customer focus. I think it’s incredible how they are always looking for new ways to improve the customer experience. I would love to be a part of a team that is constantly innovating and making a difference.

I want to work at Amazon because of the opportunity to work with some of the smartest people in the world. I know that Amazon is at the cutting edge of technology, and I would love to be a part of that.

I am also drawn to Amazon because of the company’s commitment to employee development. I know that Amazon invests a lot in its employees, and I would love to have the opportunity to grow and develop my skillset within such a supportive environment.

I believe Amazon is a company where I can really thrive, and I am excited about the possibility of having a long and successful career here.

Ok, let’s move on to the next question;

The third one is a “Tell me about a time” type behavioral question. You’ll be asked different variations of this question. If you use the STAR method we mentioned earlier, you’ll be able to answer these types of questions with ease.

The interviewer wants to know how you have handled a difficult situation in the past, and what the outcome was. They are also looking to see if you have the qualities they are looking for in a candidate for this role.

Pro Tip: When answering this question, focus on giving a detailed account of the situation you were in, what actions you took, and the outcome. Be sure to use specific examples, and avoid generalities.

Top 5 Amazon Interview Questions #3: Tell me about a time when you change the way you were doing something at work because you realized there was a better way to do it.

This question is testing your ability to be proactive and look for ways to improve the way you work. They want to see that you are always looking for ways to be more efficient and that you are not afraid of change.

When answering this question, think about a specific time when you identified an opportunity for improvement in your workplace and took action to implement a change. Perhaps you streamline a process, introduced a new system, or came up with a clever workaround for a problem. Whatever it is, make sure you explain how the change benefited your workplace.

For example:

Answer 1 :

I was working as a customer service representative at a call center, and I noticed that we were spending a lot of time on the phone with customers who were calling to ask for their account balance.

I realized that we could save a lot of time if we proactively sent our customers their account balance information before they even called us.

So, I came up with a system where we would send out account balances via text message once per week. This way, our customers always had the information they needed and they didn’t have to waste time calling us.

This change ended up saving our call center a lot of time, and we received positive feedback from our customers who appreciated not having to wait on hold to get their account information.


Answer 2:

In my previous job, I was responsible for managing the inventory for our warehouse. I quickly realized that the system we were using was very inefficient and often resulted in errors.

I did some research and found a new system that I thought would be much better. I presented my findings to my manager and they agreed to let me try it out.

After implementing the new system, we saw a significant decrease in errors and an increase in efficiency. My manager was so pleased with the results that she ended up rolling it out to other warehouses within the company.

This question is your opportunity to show that you are always looking for ways to improve the way you work.

Be sure to give a specific example of a time when you identified an opportunity for improvement and took action to implement a change. Doing so will demonstrate your problem-solving skills and resourcefulness.

Top 5 Amazon Interview Questions #4: What is your favorite leadership principle and why?

This question is testing your ability to think critically about leadership principles and identify which one you think is most important.

You are probably well aware that Amazon adheres to leadership principles. So, when answering this question, focus on explaining why you think a particular leadership principle is the most important.

Also, make sure to back up your answer with specific examples from your personal experience.

For example:


I think the most important leadership principle is “Customer Obsession.”

I believe that customer obsession is the key to success for any business because it ensures that everything you do is focused on delivering the best possible experience for your customers.

A great example of this is Amazon’s focus on customer satisfaction. They are constantly looking for ways to make their customers happy and they are not afraid to make changes in order to achieve this goal.

I think that this customer-centric approach is what has made Amazon so successful, and it’s something that I always keep in mind when making decisions in my own work.

By explaining why you think customer obsession is the most important leadership principle, you are showing that you are able to think critically about the principles and identify which one you believe is most important.

This will impress your interviewer as it shows that you are not just regurgitating Amazon’s leadership principles, but that you understand them and can apply them to real-world situations.

Additionally, by providing a specific example of how Amazon has put this principle into practice, you are demonstrating your understanding of how the principle can be applied in a business setting.

Leadership principles are guidelines that Amazon uses to help its employees build strong relationships with customers, think long-term, and act like owners.

Top 5 Amazon Interview Questions #5: What is your biggest weakness? How are you overcoming it?

For most of the candidates, it’s a confusing question because they have been always told that they should focus on their strengths in an interview.

Although it’s important to focus on your strengths, you should also be prepared to answer questions about your weaknesses.

The key to answering this question is to be honest about your weakness, but also show that you are aware of it and are taking steps to overcome it.

Pro Tip: A great way to answer this question is to choose a weakness that is actually a strength in disguise.

For example, you could say that your biggest weakness is that you are focusing on details too much.

This may sound like a negative thing, but you can quickly turn it into a strength by explaining that because you focus on the details, you are usually able to catch errors that other people might miss.

By doing this, you are showing that you are aware of your weakness and are taking steps to overcome it.

Additionally, you are also turning a potential negative into a positive by showing how your attention to detail can actually be an asset in your work.


If I had to choose one negative trait, it would be that I am a perfectionist. Being this way often causes me to overthink minor aspects of a project or spend more time than necessary on unimportant details.

Though I used to pride myself on being a perfectionist, I came to realize that it often stopped me from taking risks or being creative. This was because I would hesitate out of fear of making mistakes.

Now, I try to take a step back and remind myself that mistakes are part of the learning process. This has helped me become more creative and has allowed me to work more efficiently by not getting bogged down in details.

As you can see, this answer is honest and shows that the candidate is aware of their weakness.

Additionally, the candidate has also taken steps to overcome their perfectionism and has turned it into a strength.

This is an excellent answer that will impress your interviewer. If you are asked this question in an interview, take a moment to think about your own weaknesses and how you have overcome them.

By doing this, you will be able to give a well-thought-out answer that will show your interviewer that you are self-aware and constantly working on improving yourself.

Now let’s take a look at 20 more Amazon Interview Questions that will be helpful for you in your interview journey:

If you’re applying to work at Amazon, you can expect to be asked a lot of questions right? In the next section, we will provide you with four types of Amazon interview questions with corresponding answers.

These are;

  • Amazon Interview Questions: Behavioral
  • Amazon Interview Questions: Leadership
  • Amazon Interview Questions: Technical
  • Amazon Interview Questions: Company Specific

Each section will have 5 different questions with answers that candidates have used in their Amazon interviews.

By reading through these Amazon interview questions and answers, you will be able to get a better understanding of what Amazon is looking for in its candidates and how you can prepare for your own interview.

Amazon Interview Questions
Behavioral Interview Questions are a part of every major company’s interviews now.

Amazon Interview Questions – Behavioral

Behavioral questions are designed to assess your ability to handle different types of situations that you may encounter in the workplace.

Amazon interviewers will often ask behavioral questions in order to get a better understanding of how you have handled various challenges in the past and how you might handle them in the future.

When answering these questions, it is important, to be honest, and give specific examples of times when you have faced similar challenges. Also, don’t forget to use the STAR method as a framework for your answers.

Additionally, you should also avoid giving hypothetical answers as Amazon interviewers are more interested in hearing about actual experiences.

Here are five behavioral questions and sample answers that candidates have been asked in their Amazon interviews:

Amazon Interview Questions #6 (Behavioral): Tell me about a time you failed at work. What did you learn from your experience?


I once worked on a project that was very complex and had a lot of moving parts. I was confident in my abilities and thought that I could handle it all without any help.

However, I quickly realized that I was in over my head and that the project was starting to fall apart. I had to admit defeat and ask for help from my team.

Though it was difficult to admit that I needed assistance, doing so saved the project. From this experience, I learned that it is important to ask for help when needed and not try to do everything on my own.

This question assesses your ability to handle failure and learn from your experiences. In your answer, it is important to show that you are able to take responsibility for your mistakes and that you have learned from them.

Amazon Interview Questions #7 (Behavioral): Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer or client. How did you handle the situation?


I once had a customer who was extremely unhappy with the product they had received. They were constantly calling and complaining and demanding to speak to a manager.

My task was to diffuse the situation and try to resolve the issue without escalating it.

I listened to the customer’s concerns and empathized with their situation. I assured them that we would do everything we could to make things right. I then worked with our team to come up with a resolution that satisfied the customer.

The customer ended up being happy with the resolution and did not escalate the issue any further.

So, in your answer, it is important to show that you are able to stay calm under pressure and that you have excellent problem-solving skills.

Amazon Interview Questions #8 (Behavioral): Tell me about a challenge you faced. What was your role & the outcome?


I was leading a team of 5 engineers in developing a new feature for our product.

Halfway through the project, we realized that the specifications we were working off of were outdated and no longer accurate.

I took charge of the situation and gathered all of the relevant stakeholders to discuss the problem. After coming up with a plan, I updated the team on the new specs and timeline.

We were able to successfully complete the project on time and within budget and the new feature was well-received by our users.

For these types of Amazon interview questions, It’s important to show your ability to handle change and adapt to different situations while answering this type of question. After all, change is a constant in the workplace and Amazon places a high value on adaptability.

Amazon Interview Questions #9 (Behavioral): Can you give me an example of a time when you exceeded expectations?


In my previous role, I was working on a project that required me to lead a team of engineers and the project was ahead of schedule.

I knew that I had to do something different and innovative to make sure that the project would be successful.

I decided to work with a team of engineers from another department to develop a new feature that would add value to the project.

The project was completed successfully and received praise from our users which resulted in an increase in our customer retention rate.

When you answer this type of question, it is important to highlight not only what you did but also the result of your actions. This will show the interviewer that you are not only capable of taking charge and driving results but also that you have a track record of doing so.

Amazon Interview Questions #10 (Behavioral): Think about a time you received negative feedback. How did you deal with that?


Receiving negative feedback can be tough, but L believes it can also be a valuable learning experience.

Once I was working on a client portal project that I received some negative feedback from my boss about the dashboard design I had worked on.

I was asked to change the design color and typography of the dashboard and make it more user-friendly.

So I started working on it and didn’t get defensive about the feedback. Instead, I took it as an opportunity to learn and improve my skills.

I went back to the drawing board and came up with a new design that was well-received by my boss and the client.

These types of questions always seem to catch candidates off guard but they are actually quite common in behavioral interviews.

The key to answering these types of questions is to not get defensive about the feedback you received but to instead focus on what you learned from the experience and how you applied that learning to improve yourself.

Also read; Top 33 Amazon Behavioral Questions and Answers

Amazon Interview Questions – Leadership Interview Questions

Leadership principles questions are also behavioral questions but they focus specifically on Amazon’s leadership principles.

Each of Amazon’s 16 leadership principles has its own set of behavioral questions that you could be asked in your interview.

Although many leadership principles may seem similar at a surface level, upon further examination, you’ll see that they differ in key ways. It can be difficult to understand which question is about a certain principle.

Here’s a tip: the interviewer will give you a hint.

When you’re asked a leadership principle question, the interviewer will tell you which principle they are looking for an example of.

For example, if you are asked about a time when you took initiative, the interviewer is looking for an example of how you demonstrated Amazon’s ownership principle.

In this section, we will go over some of the most common leadership principle questions that you are likely to encounter in your Amazon interview.

Amazon Interview Questions #11 (Leadership): Tell me about a time when you had to take a risk on a project and it paid off.

(Bias for action principle)


In my previous role as a product manager, I was working on our e-commerce website and we decided to change the UI for the checkout page.

It was risky because sales were at the season high and I was thinking that if we change the UI of that page, it could possibly impact the sales.

I took a data-driven approach and ran A/B tests to see how users would react to the new UI.

The results of the test showed that there was an increase in conversion rate when we implemented the new design. Our sales did not drop as I had feared and the new design ended up being a success.

The interviewer will ask this type of question to test whether you are willing to take risks when necessary. The key to answering this question is to demonstrate that you are willing to take risks when they are calculated and have a good chance of paying off.

Amazon Interview Questions #12 (Leadership): How would you employ a certain leadership principle at work?

There are many ways you could answer this question but the key is to align your example with Amazon’s leadership principles.

For example, if you are asked how you would employ Amazon’s customer obsession principle, you could talk about a time when you went above and beyond to satisfy a customer’s needs or solve their problem.


I always believe, customers should be the top priority for any organization and thier satisfaction is key to success.

In my previous role as a customer service representative, I had a customer who was not happy with the product they had received.

I went above and beyond to make sure that the customer was satisfied and contacted to my supervisor to see if there was anything else we could do to help the customer.

I gave a new product to the customer with a full refund and a discount on their next purchase.

The customer was delighted with the outcome, remained loyal and continued to do business with us.

Pro Tip: If you can’t think of an example from your previous work experience, you could always talk about a time when you employed a leadership principle in your personal life.

Amazon Interview Questions #13 (Leadership): Give me an example of when you have gone above and beyond what was expected.

(Deliver results principle)


While I was working in the administration department at my previous workplace, my team and I were preparing for a big event that the company was hosting.

I was in charge of organizing all the RSVPs and making sure that everyone who was supposed to be at the event was on the list.

A few days before the event, I realized that we had forgotten to send out invitations to some of the VIP guests.

I took it upon myself to contact these guests and personally invite them to the event. I also followed up with them to make sure they had received the invitation and that they would be attending.

Because of the extra measures I took, all of the event’s VIP guests ended up attending the event and it was considered a success.

Amazon Interview Questions #14 (Leadership): Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss or another leader at work.

(Thinking big principle)


When I was working as a marketing assistant, I was tasked with coming up with a social media campaign for our new product launch.

I came up with what I thought was a great idea but my boss didn’t agree with me and wanted to go in a different direction.

I voiced my opinion and explained why I thought my idea would be more successful but my boss didn’t budge.

In the end, we went with my boss’s idea but I made sure to keep an open mind and tried to see the campaign from their perspective.

Although it wasn’t the outcome I was hoping for, I learned that it’s important to be open-minded and to see things from other people’s perspectives.

Amazon Interview Questions #15 (Leadership): Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision at your workplace.

(Ownership principle)


I had to make a difficult decision when I was working as a wholesale manager. I was in charge of a team of five employees who were responsible for sales in our store.

Two of my employees were constantly arguing with each other and it was starting to affect their work performance. I had to decide whether to let them go or to try and help them work out their differences.

After careful consideration, I decided to sit down with both employees and talk to them about their conflict.

I explained to them how their arguing was affecting their work and the rest of the team. I helped them see things from the other person’s perspective and they were able to resolve their differences.

In the end, they were both able to stay on the team as good friends and their sales numbers improve by % 17 in the next months.

Ok, leadership questions are now complete.

The next section will focus on technical and skills related Amazon interview questions which will test your abilities to do the job.

Amazon Technical Interview

Amazon Interview Questions – Technical and Skills Questions

I know, it’s a long article, and your eyes might be tired but bear with us because this section is important!

So, we just talked about how Amazon puts a lot of emphasis on leadership principles and behavioral questions in their interview process.

And we also talked about how these questions are meant to assess whether you have the skills and qualities that Amazon is looking for in its employees.

Now, it’s time to talk about the technical and skills questions that Amazon will ask you during your interview. These questions will be specific to your job role and they are meant to test your knowledge and abilities

Here are some examples of technical and skills questions that you might be asked during an Amazon interview:

Amazon Interview Questions #16 (Technical): Tell me about a time when you had to use data to make a business decision.


When I was working as a marketing analyst, we were launching a new product and we needed to decide which channels to use for our marketing campaign.

I was tasked with coming up with a budget strategy based on previous campaigns and finding the best way to allocate our resources.

I gathered data from past campaigns and analyzed it to see which channels had the best ROI. Based on my findings, I recommended that we focus our efforts on social media and email marketing.

My recommendation was approved and we ended up seeing a %19 increase in sales compared to our previous launch.

Pro Tip:

Amazon is a data-driven company so using real numbers from your success stories and the terms like ROI, sales, effective budget, etc. will make your answer more impressive.

Amazon Interview Questions #17 (Technical): Tell me about a time when you had to use your analytical skills to solve a problem.


When I was working as a financial analyst, we were going through the budget for the upcoming year and I noticed that one of our departments was overspending.

I did some further analysis and found that the department in question was using more man-hours than necessary to complete their tasks.

I presented my findings to the department head and recommended ways to cut down on the amount of time they were spending.

Because of my comprehensive analysis, we were able to save the company over $50,000 that year and I was commended by my manager.

Amazon loves employees who can think analytically and find creative solutions to problems. So, if you have a story about how you used your analytical skills to solve a problem, make sure to share it!

Amazon Interview Questions #18 (Technical): Tell me about a time when you had to use your coding skills to solve a problem.


I was working on a project that required me to create software that could track the inventory of a warehouse.

The client had specific requirements and I was struggling to find a way to code the software to meet all the criteria but I was eventually able to figure it out.

I ended up finding a workaround and was able to complete the project on time. I created a working prototype and presented it to the client.

The client was happy with the end result because the software ended up being more user-friendly and efficient than they had originally thought possible.

Even if this question is specific to roles that require coding skills and you are applying for a role that doesn’t require coding, you can replace this question with one that tests your knowledge of the specific tools and software that you will be using in the role.

Amazon Interview Questions #19 (Technical): Give us an example of a time when you had to troubleshoot a problem.


In my previous role I was in charge of managing the company website. It was a huge e-commerce website and some pages were loading slowly which was causing customer frustration.

My task was to identify the problem as soon as possible otherwise the total sales for the day would be impacted.

After I noticed that the website was loading slowly and I started investigating the problem. I checked the code, plugins, hosting company, and servers and then found that the issue was at the servers.

I checked the server and saw that it was running low on storage. I contacted our IT department immediately and inform them about the problem. We were able to quickly fix the issue in short order and avoid any major problems.

These types of questions are designed for testing your ability to troubleshoot problems quickly and effectively. If you can share a specific example of a time when you did this, It will make your answer sound more professional.

Amazon Interview Questions #20 (Technical): Can you tell me about a time when you had to figure out how to do something new?


While I was working as a back-end developer, I was working on a project that required me to use a new coding language that I had never used before.

Because I have knowledge of Javascript, C++, and PHP, I knew that I can learn the new programing language faster. I did some research and was able to find some helpful tutorials that walked me through the basics of the new framework.

Once I had a basic understanding of how the new framework worked, I was able to start coding the project. I ran into a few problems along the way, but I was eventually able to figure it out and complete the project on time.

These technical and skills questions will vary depending on the role you are applying for. If you are applying for a role that requires specific technical skills, make sure you brush up on your knowledge before the interview.

Amazon Interview Questions – Company Specific Interview Questions

Company-specific questions are designed to test your knowledge of Amazon’s history, culture, and the way they do business.

Amazon is a giant company with a lot of moving parts. It’s important that you do your research before the interview so that you can answer these questions confidently.

Knowing about Amazon’s customer-centric culture and its focus on innovation will go a long way in impressing your interviewer.

You’ll be asked questions about different Amazon services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Prime, and Amazon Kindle. You should be familiar with how these services work and be able to talk about them in detail.

You may also be asked questions about Amazon’s business model and how they make money. Make sure you are up-to-date on the latest news and developments at Amazon so that you can answer these questions confidently.

Here are some Amazon company-specific interview questions:

Amazon Interview Questions #21 (Company): What do you know about Amazon?


Amazon is one of the largest online retailers in the world. They sell everything from books and electronics to clothes and groceries. Amazon is also a leading provider of cloud computing services through its Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform.

In addition to being an e-commerce giant, Amazon is also a major player in the entertainment industry. They produce and distribute their own original TV shows and movies through their Amazon Prime Video service.

Amazon is constantly innovating and expanding its business. They are always coming up with new products and services to offer their customers. This makes them a very exciting company to work for.

Amazon Interview Questions #22 (Company): Can you tell us how will you fit in Amazon’s customer-centric culture?


Amazon’s customer-centric culture is one of the things that attracted me to the company. I strongly believe that the customer should always be the top priority.

I would fit in well with Amazon’s customer-centric culture because I share the same beliefs. I would always put the needs of the customer first and work tirelessly to meet their expectations.

In my previous role, I was responsible for managing a team of customer service representatives. I always made sure that my team was providing the best possible service to our customers.

I am confident that I can bring my customer-centric attitude to Amazon and contribute to their culture.

Amazon Interview Questions #23 (Company): What do you think is the most innovative thing Amazon has done?


I think the most innovative thing Amazon has done is their Amazon Prime service. Amazon Prime is a subscription service that gives members free two-day shipping on eligible items, as well as access to streaming TV shows and movies.

I love Amazon Prime because it is so convenient. I can order anything I need and have it delivered to my door in just two days. And if I’m ever in the mood to watch a movie or TV show, I can just log into Amazon Prime and start streaming.

I think Amazon Prime is a great example of how Amazon is always innovating and expanding their business. They are always finding new ways to make their customers’ lives easier.

Amazon Interview Questions #24 (Company): What Amazon leadership principles do you think are the most important to follow?


Amazon has 16 leadership principles that they expect all employees to follow.

The leadership principle that I identify most with is “Ownership.” This principle is all about taking responsibility for your work and making sure that it is of the highest quality.

I have always been a very detail-oriented person and I take a lot of pride in my work. I make sure that every task is completed to the best of my ability.

In my previous job, I was often tasked with quality control. It was my responsibility to make sure that all of the products we sold were up to our high standards.

I am confident that I can bring my attention to detail and commitment to quality to Amazon.

Amazon Interview Questions #25 (Company): What do you think sets Amazon apart from other companies?


I think one of the things that set Amazon apart from other companies is its customer-centric culture. As I mentioned before, Amazon always puts the needs of the customer first.

I believe that this customer-centricity is what has made Amazon so successful. They are always looking for new ways to improve the customer experience.

While I was working for my previous company we were following the same customer-centric philosophy. I think this is one of the things that sets Amazon apart from other companies.

And we implemented this philosophy after I became the head of the customer service which generated great results in terms of customer satisfaction and profitability.

Ok, we went through all the top 25 Amazon interview questions that Amazon asks its candidates. Do you think you are ready for your Amazon interview now?

Before you think you’re all set, there’s one more thing you should do to prepare for your interview…

Questions to Ask at The End of an Amazon Interview

It’s always a good idea to ask questions at the end of your interview. Not only does it show that you’re interested in the position, but it also gives you an opportunity to learn more about the company.

Actually, the questions you ask, don’t change the interviewer’s opinion about you when it comes to deciding whether they hire you or not but if you don’t ask any questions it will give them a signal that you’re not interested enough in the position.

That’s why it’s important to ask questions at the end of your interview.

By asking these questions, you will not only show that you’re interested in Amazon, but you will also gain valuable insights that will help you prepare for your next interview.

To help you out, here are a few questions that you can ask at the end of your Amazon interview:

  1. What do you enjoy most about working at Amazon?
  2. What are the biggest challenges that you face when working at Amazon?
  3. How would you describe the culture at Amazon?
  4. What is the most important thing that Amazon looks for in its employees?
  5. What advice would you give to someone who is interested in working at Amazon?
  6. What are the company’s plans for future growth?
  7. What do you think are the most important skills for this position?
  8. What do you think sets Amazon apart from other companies?
  9. Is there anything else you would like to know about me?
  10. What do you think is the most innovative thing Amazon has done?

These are just a few examples of questions that you can ask at the end of your interview. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask them.

Just remember, the goal is to show that you’re interested in Amazon and that you’re looking to gain more insights about the company.

Do you have an interview with Amazon?

Pro Tip

Make sure to check out our top-selling Amazon Interview Guide which comes with a full refund guarantee in case you fail your interviews.

Amazon Interview Questions – Amazon Interview Tips

Based on what we discussed on this detailed article, here are a few Amazon interview questions tips that will help you prepare for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired:

1. Do your research: One of the best ways to prepare for your interview is to do your research. Not only should you research Amazon, but you should also research the specific role that you’re applying for.

This way, you will be able to familiarize yourself with Amazon’s business model and the specific skills that are required for the role.

2. Be customer-centric: As we mentioned before, Amazon is a very customer-centric company. This means that they always put the needs of the customer first.

You should keep this in mind when preparing for your interview and try to give examples of times when you’ve gone above and beyond to satisfy a customer.

3. Be prepared to answer behavioral questions: Behavioral questions are designed to assess your past behavior in order to predict your future behavior.

Therefore, it’s important that you’re prepared to answer these types of questions. We recommend that you use the STAR method when answering behavioral questions.

4. Use metrics when possible: Amazon loves data. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to use metrics when answering questions.

If you can, try to back up your claims with numbers and data. This will show the interviewer that you’re able to think critically and that you have a data-driven mindset.

5. Practice your answers: In order to ace your Amazon interview, we recommend that you practice your answers beforehand. You’ll find lots of valuable information about this on our blog.

You can do this by yourself or with a friend. If you’re unsure of how to answer a question, try to come up with a few potential answers and then practice delivering them in a clear and concise manner. You can also check out the 150 Most Common Interview Questions article to get ready for your upcoming interview!

By following these tips, you will be well on your way to acing the Amazon interview questions and landing the job that you want

As a bonus, we’d like to share this Ted Talk video that we really like about Job Interviews:


We hope you enjoyed this article about the top 25 Amazon interview questions that the company asks its candidates. Preparing for your Amazon interview should be an enjoyable and exciting process.

Make sure to do your research on the company, and practice your answers to these questions until you feel confident.

Also, we recommend that you take a look at the Amazon Interview Cheat Sheet and Top 33 Amazon Behavioral Interview Questions blog posts to learn prepare for your upcoming interview..

We hope that you found this Amazon Interview Questions post useful!

Best of luck with your interviews!

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