
Amazon Hiring Process: 9 Important Steps You Need to Know

It’s no secret that Amazon is one of the most innovative and successful companies in the world. But what many people don’t know is that the company owes much of its success to the unique Amazon hiring process.

In order to find the best candidates, Amazon has developed a rigorous hiring process that includes multiple rounds of interviews and assessments. The goal of this process is to find employees who will be a good fit for the company’s culture.

The company doesn’t just look for candidates with the right skills and experience; it also looks for those who are creative, productive, and have a willingness to take risks. And it’s this combination of qualities that has helped Amazon become a leader in e-commerce.

If you applied to Amazon, passed the stressful interviews, and are curious about what’s next then keep reading. We’ll go over everything, starting from the hiring meeting to your first day on the job.

However, if you are at the beginning of your Amazon journey and have not gone through your interviews yet, don’t worry! We also cover topics such as Amazon Interview Preparation Guide and Amazon Interview Cheat Sheet for candidates who are early in their journeys.

If you are looking for interview support, make sure to check out Top 33 Amazon Behavioral Interview Questions and Amazon Star Method posts as well,

Let’s get started!

Do you have an interview with Amazon?

Pro Tip

Make sure to check out our top-selling Amazon Interview Guide which comes with a full refund guarantee in case you fail your interviews.

Everything About The Amazon Hiring Process

Before we start let’s get one thing straight. There is a difference between the hiring process and the interview process. People usually get confused about the terminology, but the hiring process comes after the interview process.

In other words, they are not the same processes, the Amazon hiring process starts after you complete the interviews. You might want to read our post about the Amazon interview process if you’re interested in learning more about it.

Let’s return to the Amazon hiring process;

After the Amazon onsite interviews, the next step is called the debrief, a meeting between the hiring team. This is where they discuss their opinions and thoughts on the candidates and decide who to move forward with.

If you have come along this far in the process then congratulations! You passed the phone interviews, video interviews, and loop interviews, and answered lots of technical questions, and behavioral questions. Your hiring process is about to start.

Amazon’s hiring process usually involves these steps:

1- The Application

2- Preparing for your interview

3- The Hiring Decision

4- After the Debrief Meeting

5- Reference / Background Check

6- The Job Offer

7- Onboarding and Orientation

8- Setting Up Accounts and Technology

9- Your First Days

Now let’s expand all these stages one by one and learn more about each stage.

Amazon Hiring Process: 1. The Application

Landing your dream job at Amazon starts with a strong application. Here’s how to get started:

Looking for Open Positions

Head over to Amazon’s career website, The site allows you to search for openings by keyword, location, department, and more. Utilize the filters to find opportunities that align with your skills and interests.

Submit Your Application

The application process typically involves submitting your resume and potentially a cover letter. Be sure to tailor your resume(using ChatGPT to improve your resume can be handy here) to the specific job description, highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Some roles might also involve pre-screening assessments or online tests to gauge your qualifications.

Standing Out From the Rest

Craft a compelling cover letter that showcases your enthusiasm for Amazon and the specific position. Tailor it to the job description, highlighting how your skills and experiences align with the requirements. Quantify your achievements whenever possible to demonstrate your impact in previous roles.

Amazon Hiring Process: 2. Preparing for Your Interview

Getting invited for an interview is arguably the most important step, so congrats! Here’s how to ensure you’re well-prepared:

Research & Preparation

Amazon’s Leadership Principles are the foundation of their work culture. Take time to understand these principles and how they might be applied to the specific job you’re interviewing for and study the Amazon Leadership Principles interview questions. Research the company and the department you’re applying to. Prepare for common interview questions and Top Amazon Interview Questions by practicing your responses and tailoring them to showcase relevant skills and experiences.

Understanding the Interview Loop

At Amazon, interviews often follow a “loop” format, where candidates meet with a variety of team members from different departments. This allows the hiring team to get a well-rounded picture of the candidate’s qualifications and fit for the role.

What to Expect in the Interview

Be prepared for a mix of questions. You might encounter behavioral questions that delve into past experiences related to the Leadership Principles. Technical questions relevant to the role and problem-solving scenarios may also be part of the interview.

Amazon Hiring Process: 3. The Hiring Decision

After completing the interview loop, you might wonder what happens next. Here’s a glimpse into the following steps:

Internal Discussions (a.k.a the Debrief Meeting)

Following the interview loop, hiring managers will have an internal discussion meeting (the debrief) to evaluate candidates based on their performance during the interviews and their overall fit for the role. This evaluation considers factors like skills, experience, and alignment with Amazon’s culture.

The Waiting Game

There will be a waiting period between the interview and receiving a decision, usually at most a couple of weeks. Be patient and understand that the hiring process can take time. It’s okay to politely follow up with the recruiter or hiring manager after a reasonable timeframe to express your continued interest.

Next Steps

Depending on the outcome, you might receive a job offer, a notification that you are not moving forward in the process, or potentially an invitation for a second interview.

Amazon Hiring Process: 4. After the Debrief Meeting

Amazon hiring process

Once the decision is made, your hiring manager will sit down with the HR people to decide on your total compensation package, which will be based on role. Then, they tell you the news.

This is when you need to hold onto your seat. In the next couple of days, you’ll have a meeting with the hiring manager for the job position. During this meeting, both parties will talk about the role, responsibilities, and compensation.

You should ask questions during this time so you can make sure you understand what you’re getting into. You may be asked if there are any concerns or doubts you have. Don’t worry, you won’t be judged based on your answers.

It’s important to remember that you’re being hired because of your skill set and experience. So, it’s okay to say “no” if you feel like something isn’t quite right.

At the end of the meeting, the hiring manager will give you an introduction about the position, salary, benefits, location, and more. 

If you’re happy with all, you can accept it and move on to the next stage of the process.

Amazon Hiring Process: 5. Reference/Background Check

You got the job but there are a few things before you start working at Amazon. First, the company needs to do some background checks. These include checking references, doing criminal records checks, etc.

Before making a final decision, Amazon, via a third-party background-checking services provider, will check the candidate’s references. References are important because they provide insight into the candidate’s work ethic, communication skills, and ability to follow instructions.

When applying for jobs at Amazon, references are very important. They’re used to determine whether the applicant is honest, reliable, trustworthy, and capable of following directions.

After verifying the information, Amazon HR Services will decide whether to hire you based on the feedback received from the references.

Amazon Hiring Process: 6. The Job Offer

Once the reference checks are done, the Amazon HR Services team sends out an official job offer letter. It contains details about the position, responsibilities, pay, and more.

In addition to the job offer letter, you’ll also receive a contract. This document outlines the terms and conditions of employment.

The contract states how long you’ll be employed, the number of hours you’ll work per week, vacation days, holidays, sick leave, and more.

If you receive a job offer from Amazon, then congratulations! You’ve made it through a rigorous process and impressed some of the smartest people in the industry.

Now you’re free to accept the offer or decline it. It’s up to you. However, if you do choose to take the job, you should know that there may be additional requirements before you can officially begin working.

Amazon Hiring Process: 7. Onboarding and Orientation

Onboarding is the process of getting new employees up to speed quickly. It includes training them on how to use the technology, tools, systems, and techniques that they’re going to be using every day.

Orientation is similar to onboarding, except it focuses on teaching new hires what it means to work at Amazon.

Once the candidate accepts the offer, he or she will begin the onboarding process. This includes getting familiarized with the company culture, learning the ins and outs of the organization, and becoming familiar with the tools and systems used internally. Your direct manager will usually assign an “onboarding buddy” to assist you with the onboarding.

New hires are usually given some form of training. Depending on the position, this could mean attending classes, taking online courses, or working directly with a trainer.

Amazon Hiring Process: 8. Setting Up Accounts and Technology

New employees at Amazon start by completing a series of pre-assigned jobs. They set up various systems and tools required for the position.

So if you’re going to work in a technical position, you may be asked to log into the AWS service and configure the appropriate security measures.

Finally, once all the necessary steps are completed, you are ready to get started. At this point, you can either start doing real work or continue with more orientation activities.

Depending on the role you’re being hired for, you might have access to different tools and resources. If so, you’ll need to learn how to use them effectively.

Amazon Hiring Process: 9. Your First Days

So you most probably heard the phrase “Each day is a Day 1 at Amazon”. That signifies that every day, all the employees are expected to show the level of enthusiasm they had on the first day of their job. Your first day at Amazon is typically spent getting acquainted with your coworkers and managers. You’ll probably spend most of your time meeting new people and learning about the company.

When you first arrive at your office, you’ll probably be assigned a mentor who will help guide you throughout the first few weeks.

Your mentor will teach you everything you need to know about the company, including:

• How things work here

• What you should expect from coworkers

• How to navigate the internal systems and software.

It’s time to meet your team, find out what you’re expected to accomplish each day and learn the basics of how things work around here.

Beyond Introductions

While getting acquainted with your colleagues and managers is a crucial part of your first day, Amazon also focuses on setting expectations and familiarizing you with your role.

Your manager will likely discuss your initial goals and priorities, providing a roadmap for your first few weeks and months. This might involve outlining specific tasks or projects you’ll be working on, as well as performance metrics used to measure your progress and set you up for success.

Learning the Ropes

Your mentor (typically he/he would be your assigned buddy) plays a vital role in your initial success. They’ll guide you through the intricacies of your role, the company culture, and Amazon’s internal systems and software.

This could involve hands-on training, demonstrations, and access to helpful resources. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification throughout the day.

A Collaborative Start

The first few weeks will generally involve meeting your team members, fostering collaboration from the get-go. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about their roles and how your work interacts with theirs. This initial interaction lays the groundwork for effective teamwork and communication moving forward.

Bonus: Setting Yourself Up for Success – Your First 6 Months at Amazon

The first six months at Amazon are a critical period for establishing yourself and laying the foundation for a successful career. Here are some key strategies to ensure a smooth transition and impress your colleagues:

Become a Master Learner

Embrace the “Day 1” mentality and actively seek out opportunities to learn and grow. Take advantage of training programs, online resources, and shadowing opportunities to deepen your understanding of your role, the company culture, and Amazon’s Leadership Principles.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions, seek feedback from your manager and mentor, and demonstrate a genuine desire to continuously improve your skills and knowledge.

Take Initiative and Be Proactive

Don’t wait for tasks to come to you. Proactively identify opportunities to contribute, volunteer for additional responsibilities, and showcase your initiative.

Look for ways to streamline processes, suggest improvements, and add value to your team. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to the company’s success and positions you for future growth opportunities.

Build Relationships and Network

Invest time in building strong relationships with your colleagues, both within your team and across different departments. Take advantage of team lunches, social events, and informal interactions to connect with others.

These connections can provide valuable insights, foster collaboration, and create a strong support system as you navigate your new role. Additionally, consider seeking out mentors outside your immediate team.

Amazon Hiring Process: Conclusion

In conclusion, Amazon hiring process is unique that takes a bit longer than most companies. However, it’s worth it if you want to work for one of the most innovative companies in the world.

Once you pass these steps, you’ll be offered a job and given instructions on how to set up accounts and technology. Then, you’ll be assigned to a mentor who will help you through the onboarding process.

Finally, you’ll be expected to show up for orientation and training sessions that teach you everything from basic computer usage to company culture.

Ok, in this post we covered all the steps of the Amazon hiring process and we hope that you found this article helpful!

If you’re interested in applying to Amazon and want to learn more about the interview process, questions or answers then you should check our top-selling interview guides page. 

The value you’ll find may surprise you and will help you land your dream job faster.

See you in the next informative article.

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