How to Answer Why Should We Hire You?

If you are someone who has been to at least one single interview in their entire life then you have probably heard the “why should we hire you” job interview question before, right?

It usually won’t be included in the job description but you’ll most probably get it during your actual interview because it is a common interview question! 

In this article, we can help you answer this question without hammering you with 5000 plus words that you have to read just to get to the proper response of “why should we hire you?”

But, maybe you’re scrolling through this article 5 feet away from where your interview will happen and you need something to save the day right away.

In that case, we’ve got you covered! If your employer happens to ask you this, you don’t have to stress or panic, keep the eye contact with your hiring manager with a relaxed posture and start speaking with a comfortable, confident tone. 

You can say: “I’m confident that I am the best candidate for this position because I have the right combination of skills, experience, and dedication. Not only do I have years of experience in a similar role, but I also have a passion for learning and growing in my field. My past experiences have equipped me with the knowledge to exceed expectations and contribute to the team in meaningful ways.”

That is just one example, it is short and sweet, scores right to the point, and gets the job done! 

However, if you happen to have more time on your hands, then the rest of the examples in this article might be a better fit for you, or at least give you a little inspiration to come up with an answer that is more true to you! 

It can be very tempting to reciprocate the same energy and answer with some rightfully deserved sass, however… we don’t actually recommend it, you’ll have to take the high road on this one. 

In this article we will go over everything you need in order to form the perfect response, so stick around if you want to impress your hiring manager! 

What is the purpose of the “Why should we hire you?” interview question? 

An interview question like “why should we hire you?” surely has a purpose because your hiring manager has a checklist for you as an “ideal candidate” or simply someone who could potentially hold a position at your company! 

“Why should we hire you?” is a question present in almost every single interview. It’s an employer’s way of gauging your self-awareness and your understanding of the position.

The interviewer wants to hear how confidently you can explain why your qualifications, experiences, and skills make you the best candidate for the job. You should be ready to illustrate your value with examples from both past job experience and personal qualities.

To put this in other words for you, the purpose of this interview question is to try to determine if you will be a good fit for the organization – professionally, culturally, and personally. Your answer needs to demonstrate that you are knowledgeable about the company and enthusiastic about working there.

Practical solutions to workplace problems show employers that you can use initiative and creativity when facing challenges. Showing these traits helps make a strong case for yourself as an asset to the team!

Now that you know why your hiring manager asks you this question, we can now get into the step-by-step guide to answering this question! 

Highlight your skills and experiences 

The first step is to make sure your resume reflects the positions held in each job plus any specialized knowledge or certifications that show how well-suited you are for the role. Show employers that as well as having relevant experience, you also possess great interpersonal and communication skills – this is key!

Soft skills, technical skills, people skills, all of these matter! 

Focus on the competencies and expertise that make you different from other applicants. Explain which of your accomplishments are most relevant to the position so employers understand why they need you.

Be confident in yourself when listing your experiences and briefly summarize any successful projects or initiatives that demonstrate what a great employee you would be.

When you answer the question “Why should we hire you?”, it’s important to highlight your specific skills and experiences. Whether you’re an artist, a programmer, or an accountant, make sure to explain how they could benefit from having you on their team.

Show how flexible you are with teamwork 

As someone who is putting themselves out on the job market, you probably surely know that teamwork is a huge part of any organization and it’s important to show that you are flexible when it comes to working with others.

Whether it be the ability to compromise or by having the patience needed to get through tough spots, employers look for this kind of flexibility in potential team members.

So, you should explain how you possess that flexibility and talk about how you work well with all types of people. Tell them how good problem-solving skills can help bring resolution quickly and politely even in tense situations! 

Let them know how much of a great added asset you could be to them! 

Be sure to mention any positions of leadership you’ve had that gave you experience guiding teams, like being responsible for leading projects from idea inception to completion. Whenever appropriate, provide brief examples of such scenarios and their outcomes whenever possible.

Make sure whoever conducts the interview understands not only your commitment to teamwork but also your eagerness for taking on additional responsibilities, too!

Explain how the company can benefit from hiring you 

Talking about yourself can be a very tricky thing to do during a job interview, but you can also see it as the perfect opportunity to explain why the company should hire you. Show the interviewer why your skills and background make you an ideal candidate for the organization! 

Explain how the company can benefit from hiring you. This might include increased efficiency due to your problem-solving abilities or greater collaboration due to your ability to build relationships with others quickly and effectively.

Be sure to present this information in a confident yet humble way and avoid bragging or appearing arrogant or conceited. When done correctly, confidently presenting these strengths should let the interviewer know that they should take notice of your qualities!

Don’t hesitate to show your true enthusiasm 

We are perfectly aware that being a little anxious is expected, so it is perfectly natural to feel a little nervous during job interviews. But that doesn’t mean you can’t show your enthusiasm for the company and the position you want.

The hiring manager probably wants to know why you think this job is a great fit for your skills and experience, so don’t hesitate to share your enthusiasm for the company and how it aligns with your career goals.

Explain how this particular opportunity provides challenges and growth potential that excite you. Describe how it will allow you to contribute by utilizing some of your best traits and abilities.

Keep your mind on the positive attributes like optimism, adaptability, strong work ethic, enthusiasm, problem-solving skills, communication skills, or other strengths that make you an ideal candidate for the role they are offering.

Also Read; 7 Tips to Make a Good Impression in a Job Interview

Honesty is the best policy

Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to answering this question. Trying to pretend that you have qualities and abilities that you don’t may backfire in an interview setting.

Instead, be honest about who you are and what your strengths are. Contemplate why someone would hire you over other applicants, then give genuine examples of how your unique talents can benefit the company.

Be assertive, yet humble in your response – explain why they should take a chance on hiring you: Highlight any positive outcomes with previous employers, customer reviews/reviews from colleagues, personal awards or accomplishments that demonstrate your capabilities in the workplace.

Be sure to show enthusiasm for the opportunity at hand. If there is something specific about this particular job that speaks to you, let them know why it does – again with honesty!

We know the balance between being assertive and being honest or confident can be a little tricky, but it’s nothing too hard if you give off the right energy! 

Now, why don’t we get to the actual answer templates that we have picked out for you so you can ace your interview? 

Interview question templates “Why should we hire you?” 

In this next section, we will discover together some of the options we have collected for you! 

Why Should We Hire You Sample Answer #1:

Thank you for asking that question. I believe that I would be a valuable addition to your team for several reasons. First and foremost, I have the experience and skills necessary to excel in this position. My past experiences in similar roles have allowed me to develop the skills needed to perform the responsibilities of this position efficiently and effectively. Additionally, I am a quick learner and am always eager to learn new skills and improve upon existing ones, which will allow me to adapt to new situations and technologies as needed.

Moreover, I am a team player and am always willing to collaborate and work with others to achieve common goals. I am a good communicator, both written and verbal, and I have the ability to build strong relationships with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders.

Finally, I am passionate about the work that your organization does, and I share your values and vision. I believe that my passion and dedication to the work will enable me to go above and beyond what is expected of me and contribute positively to the success of the team.

Overall, I believe that my experience, skills, passion, and dedication make me the ideal candidate for this position, and I would be honored to join your team and help you achieve your goals.

This answer can serve as a great template that you can build from! Get creative! 

Why Should We Hire You Sample Answer #2:

Thanks for the question. I think I am the ideal candidate for this position because of my unique combination of experience and skills. I have a wealth of knowledge in the field that will enable me to hit the ground running from day one and make an immediate impact on your team.

I have strong interpersonal and communication skills which will allow me to build strong relationships with colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders. I am an excellent team player who is always willing to collaborate and work with others to achieve common goals.

Also, I am passionate about the work that your organization does and I believe I share your values and vision. My enthusiasm for the job will enable me to go above and beyond what is expected of me in order to contribute positively to the success of your team.

And, I believe that my experience, skills, passion, and dedication make me a great fit for this role and I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your organization.

Why Should We Hire You Sample Answer #3:

Well, if you’re looking for someone who can bring a little bit of magic to your team, I’m your person. As a firm believer in the power of positive energy and good vibes, I bring an enthusiastic and creative approach to everything I do. Whether it’s coming up with new ideas, problem-solving, or working collaboratively with others, I always try to infuse my work with a sense of passion and joy.

But it’s not just about good energy – I also have a strong track record of success in similar roles. My experience has given me the skills and knowledge to perform the responsibilities of this position with ease and efficiency. I’m a quick learner and a critical thinker, which means that I can adapt to new situations and challenges with ease.

Additionally, I believe that I have a unique set of qualities and strengths that can benefit your team. I’m a natural communicator and empathetic listener, which means that I can build strong relationships with colleagues and clients alike. I’m also highly organized and detail-oriented, which means that I can manage multiple tasks and projects simultaneously without compromising on quality.

Ultimately, I believe that my positive energy, creativity, and experience make me the perfect fit for this position. I’m excited at the prospect of bringing my unique skills and qualities to your team, and I’m confident that together, we can achieve great things.

This answer was suggested to be a little creative and witty looking, if this fits your personality then it would be a perfect fit for you! 

Why Should We Hire You Sample Answer #4:

Thank you for asking that question. I am certain that I make a good fit for this position. My skills, experience, and achievements demonstrate that I am well-suited for this role and can make a significant contribution to your team.

Firstly, my experience in [relevant field] has provided me with a deep understanding of the industry and the skills required to succeed in this role. I have a proven track record of success in [specific achievement], and I am confident that I can apply my expertise to drive results for your organization.

Secondly, I have a strong work ethic and a natural drive to succeed. I am always striving to improve my performance and to take on new challenges. My ability to work independently or as part of a team means that I can adapt to any working environment and contribute to the success of the team.

Finally, I am passionate about the work that your organization does, and I share your vision and values. I am committed to making a positive impact and contributing to the success of the team.

In short, my experience, work ethic, and passion make me the ideal candidate for this position. I am confident that I can bring value to your organization, and I would be honored to join your team and help you achieve your goals.

Why Should We Hire You Sample Answer #5:

Well, let me start by saying that I am not your average candidate. I like to think of myself as a unicorn – rare, unique, and highly valuable. My experience, skills, and personality set me apart from the rest, and I am confident that I can bring a fresh perspective to your team.

First things first, I am a highly creative individual with a knack for thinking outside the box. My ability to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems has been proven time and time again, and I am always looking for new ways to challenge the status quo.

I am also a natural collaborator and team player. As usual the best results come from working together and leveraging the strengths of each team member. I bring a positive and energetic approach to teamwork, and I always strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

Not only that, but I am highly adaptable and thrive in fast-paced environments. My ability to multitask, prioritize, and manage my time effectively means that I can take on multiple projects and responsibilities without compromising on quality.

Last but not least, I am passionate about the work that your organization does, and I share your vision and values. I am ready to make a positive impact and incrase the success level of the team.

My creativity, collaborative spirit, adaptability, and passion make me a valuable asset to your team. I am excited at the prospect of bringing my unique skills and qualities to your organization, and I am confident that together, we can achieve great things.

Also Read; 136 Most Common Interview Questions with Sample Answers

Bottom Line

We know interviews in general are stressful and questions that put you under the spot do not help the case either like the “Why should we hire you?” interview question, but, you can actually see this as a great opportunity to show potential employers why you are the best person for the job.

It is important to be confident and specific when explaining why you are the ideal candidate, highlighting your skills and experience that relate to the job in question. With careful preparation and practice, you will be able to explain exactly why hiring you would benefit the company.

That’s it for today, we covered most of it. So, don’t let a lack of preparation hold you back from landing your dream job! Get expert job interview preparation guides from Interviewjoy – created by recent candidates and employees.

Good luck! 

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