Tech Layoffs: 5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding a New Job

Getting laid off from your job is stressful and it can leave you truly feeling the heat!

The tech industry has long been known for its rapid pace of innovation and growth, but it’s not immune to economic downturns and layoffs.

Whether it’s due to budget cuts, company restructuring, or other factors, tech layoffs can be a stressful and uncertain time for those affected. 

However, there are steps you can take to increase your chances of finding a new job in the industry.

In this article, we’ll explore five strategies that can help you navigate the job market and provide tips for you to land your next tech role!

Shall we get started?

Why Are Tech Layoffs Happening?

As you might already know, there are various reasons why tech layoffs can occur, and they often reflect broader economic or business trends in recent times, they have started to spike again as big corporations are letting go of a big number of their employees.

When the pandemic hit, no one saw this affecting the whole world in the way that it did. Seeing how people started getting sick in outstanding numbers and working from home as an alternative, has ultimately affected the job market.

Throughout this process, many have lost their jobs and an economic crisis seemed to be inevitable, and things only went downhill from there due to what unfolded with Russia and Ukraine, you can imagine the stress everyone collectively had to endure.

And this did not stop there, big banks started falling one after the other after both Wall Street and the real estate market took a hit, this led to banks getting bankrupt and it completely affected the economic sphere of the country and therefore that of functioning companies as well.

Because of all of this, companies are now trying to cut down on their losses and protect their future financially and economically speaking in the market.

To delve into this in more detail, we have dedicated a full article for this so, be sure to read us: Why Tech Layoffs are Happening.

What To Do Once Tech Layoffs Have Been Announced

This is probably the trickiest part by far, what to do? Your company starts to cut off the employees and unfortunately, you find yourself among those who were let go. What is the next step?

The sheer panic this can spread is enough to make you second guess everything and eventually spiral. But don’t do that just yet!

Below you will find a couple of helpful tips to keep you calm before we suggest the different ways you can land another job just as quickly, so keep on reading!

It is Not Personal

The first thing that might make sense to you is thinking that being part of the tech layoffs that ensued within your company is something that should be taken personally, that is far from the truth! 

Tech layoffs are usually not personal nor are they a targeted plot to remove you from the job, because more often than not, that has a different process than a mass layoff!

Do not beat yourself up about the fact that there could have been more for you to do because once again, in this case, it is not personal, so there was ultimately little to nothing you could have done to change the course of things! It is simply due to management that is not so great!

Keep Yourself Centered

Telling you to practice mindfulness sounds like mediocre advice when it comes to getting laid off, but it can truly benefit you in times of need to remember how to stay grounded and centered.

Try to do activities that help your body relax, because if you are not relaxed you will not be able to think with any clarity at all and clarity is certainly important in times like these!

Tech Layoffs: Start Thinking About What is Next?

Now that a chapter in your life comes to an end, no matter how unexpected it is, it never means that life stops there!

Thinking about what is next can look different for everyone, maybe for you, it is taking a break for a while to enjoy some well-deserved rest, or perhaps it is revamping your resume so you can find the next best thing for you!

It is very important to note that not everything goes to plan but sometimes that in itself is also a plan!

So, if you follow the steps we have mentioned above, you should have no problem moving into your next venture!

Now that you know how to handle that initial shock with the stress it brings, let’s explore the different ways you can map out the next steps to take!

5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding a Job After a Tech Layoff

Once you feel like you got the rest you needed or you are simply ready to conquer the job market once again, the first thing you should think of doing is making sure your resume has already been updated and that it is ready to go!

But how can you do that? We will start with some basics you have to check before diving into the 5 tips we have for you today.

The first thing you need to be doing is updating your skills because it is another good idea when you are revamping your resume to tackle the job market. 

Tailor your resume and cover letter to each job application to make sure you’re highlighting your most relevant skills and experience.

Use keywords and phrases that match the job description and make it easy for hiring managers to see how you can add value to their team.

Matching your skills whether they are new or old is a good way to put yourself out there! 

Also Read; The Resume That Got Me into Google and Amazon

The second thing you should do is consider taking online courses or attending workshops to learn new skills, programming languages, software tools, or development methodologies, this will not only help you polish what you already knew but perhaps help you gain something you lacked!

So, it’s time to find a new job, right? Below, you will find some tips that we have gathered for you to set you on track for a new job after the layoff!

1-Start Contacting Your Circle

Contacting your circle should be the first thing you do, and it is probably the thing that would make the most difference in this entire job-searching process.

The logic behind starting with your circle and the people you know here is to allow you to explore all of your options to the maximum after the tech layoffs.

Not only that, but this also allows you to get a little bit of a push compared to all the candidates who have to go the traditional route in order to get to the position you want to have.

Maybe you don’t know this, but managers usually reach out to other managers before they delve down the route of scanning through endless piles of resumes and cover letters.,

So, maybe your former manager or the executives you personally know whom you have kept a good relationship with can make you an offer, perhaps they can recommend you to someone else who has offers available.

Doing this also comes with a specific trust that these individuals who will speak on your behalf have already established between them because if someone recommends you then that means you are worthy of that recommendation.

The best part about this is that in case you didn’t manage to find any availability; you can still get a recommendation letter from your former manager in order to enforce your resume and make it stand out!

In the end, you have absolutely nothing to lose, especially if you keep a good, professional relationship with the people you know!

2-Be Proactive in Your Job Search

If there was no luck in getting a lead from contacting people in your circle, then you would need to be a little bit more involved and strategic with how you do things to land a job.

You should not wait for job openings to come to you, actively search for job openings on job boards, and company websites.

If you are not sure where to start, you can check out the list we have for you: Glassdoor, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn Job Search!

Start by scanning these websites for different job offers and highlight the ones that you like either within the website or as a link on your web browser, then do a little bit of research on the company and start drafting customized cover letters for each one of them!

Even if you have just lost your job, this does not mean that you should apply to every single job that you see available, be picky and choose wisely when you are reading the requirements and expectations!

3-Build a Strong Online Presence

Many employers use social media and other online platforms to find new hires, so it’s important to have a strong online presence. Update your LinkedIn profile and other professional profiles and use social media to showcase your skills and expertise.

The first thing you can do here is to actually apply first and then boost your social media/ Well, you can start by keeping your profile updated professionally and casually as well by posting important career updates.

You need to leverage social media by connecting with HR managers from companies you have applied to before. For example, let’s say you applied to Amazon, having connections from this company on LinkedIn or any other platform will make the process easier for all the parties involved. 

You can personally reach out to HR or hiring managers kindly alerting them of your application and checking in!

Keep in mind that before you connect with these people, you should have an appealing profile, and that happens by posting interesting things in your sectors. So, engage with important posts on your timeline. After that, you are free to connect with whomever you like.

By doing this, when they come to check your profile, they can see your potential!

4-Network with Industry Professionals After the Tech Layoffs

Networking is an essential part of finding a new job in the tech industry. Attend industry events, join online professional communities, and connect with former colleagues and mentors to learn about potential job openings and get referrals. When you go to these events, it is important that you focus on your success stories and all your achievements.

This is a good thing to do for many reasons, the first one being engagement in the conversation and the second one is to put your best foot out there.

Obviously, the only way you would possibly be able to get any results is if people were interested in what you have to say, so have a good, positive hook and speak with confidence.

From there, once you know that you have people’s attention you can then begin to introduce yourself and highlight your experience.

Pro Tip: Finding a new job in the tech industry can take time, so it’s important to be patient and persistent. Keep applying for jobs, follow up on applications, and continue to network with industry professionals. 

Remember that landing a new job is often a numbers game, and the more applications you submit, the higher your chances of finding a new role.

5-Create a Personal Website and Consider Freelancing

This is our last tip as far as finding a job after tech layoffs go, our next tip for you is to take matters into your own hands.

In today’s competitive job market, standing out from the crowd in the Tech industry is more important than ever. One way to do this is by creating a personal website that showcases your skills and expertise. 

Not only can this help you stand out to potential employers and recruiters, but it can also provide you with new opportunities for freelance work.

So, a personal website allows you to demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential employers in a way that a traditional resume cannot. By showcasing your work, skills, and accomplishments, you are giving potential employers a glimpse into what you can bring to the table. 

It can also attract potential clients for freelance work, which can provide new opportunities to build your skills and expand your network. 

Freelancing can also lead to full-time job opportunities, and help you build relationships with potential employers. If you’re looking to stand out in a crowded job market, consider creating a personal website and exploring freelance opportunities in tech.

So, if you’re looking for a way to stand out in a crowded job market, consider creating a personal website and exploring freelance opportunities.

Final Words

To sum things up for you, tech layoffs can be a challenging experience, but there are strategies you can use to increase your chances of finding a new job in the tech industry!

By updating your skills, networking with industry professionals, building a strong online presence, customizing your resume and cover letter, and being persistent and patient in your job search, you can position yourself for success and find a new role that matches your skills and experience.

Remember that job layoffs are not a reflection of your worth as a professional, and with the right mindset and strategies, you can emerge from this experience even stronger and more resilient than before. Best of luck in your job search!

Good luck!

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